Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sorry We Suck So Much

Hey all, sorry we suck and have been in Seattle for ONE MONTH and haven't written a post!!! For shame on us.

So we got here and stayed with Zoe (Clark friends FTW) and looked at like a THOUSAND apartments before finding a landlord who didn't care that we didn't have jobs. We also craigslisted a lady to be our roomate so now we have a third roomate, Lisaa.

SEATTLE IS AWESOME. I love it, it's super beautiful and nice and lovely. It's been super nice since we got here. It's only been cloudy, like, two or three days and rained twice! Everyone feels the need to tell me this isn't normal (which, duh, I know) and reassure me that a hell of cloud and rain is on it's way...thanks.

Anyway, the way I'm describing the weather to everyone is that it's like the best day of late summer/early fall where isn't not super hot but the perfect freakin' temperature and you can wear pants or shots. It's gets pretty cold at night but not NEW ENGLAND cold...god, I love it so much.

I've had a total of 6 (SIX!!!) interviews and a total of 0 (ZERO!!!) job offers. Everyone can suck it. I'm actually procrastinating from e-mailing a job listing right now by writing this post. (Don't worry Mom, I've already e-mailed two others and filled out an application for a third online.) I should get apid to tell people what not to say or do or wear in an interview because, apparently, I'm doing/saying/wearing all the wrong things. Just do the complete opposite of what I do and you'll get HIRED.

The library is closed all week DUE TO BUDGET CUTS. They make a point of saying/writing that everywhere. I think it's to make people aware of how the taxpayers are fucking them over and boy, are we feeling it this week! We have to go to the coffee shop in order to use the nets and that means having to buy something which means spending money that we don't have. But I had a free coffee today so I used that (wow, my life is SO interesting. I'm sure you are fascinated!)

OK, I guess I'm gonna go e-mail these peeps so I can go, my wrist is starting to carpal tunnel

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